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Congratulations on the achievements of WHBC students in the 2021 British Physics Thinking Challenge (intermediate and advanced)

Author:WHBC   Source:WHBC   Browse:1790   Edit date:2021-05-12

Recently, the results of 2021 British Physics Thinking Challenge (intermediate and advanced) were announced. A total of 3957 students from 430 international schools and high schools participated in the competition. Among them, there are 2263 participants in the intermediate group and 1694 participants in the advanced group.


WHBC students have achieved excellent results in this competition with their strong strength! High School group achieved 26 gold, 12 silver and 4 bronze prizes, whileMiddle School group achieved 2 silver and 1 bronze prizes.


The specific awards are as follows:

Senior Group

Gold Award:

Wang Tianyi DP1-2

Li Shenglong AS2

Tan Cheng AS2

Li Max DP1-3

Wang Jingyi AS1

Chen Jiaxu AS7

Di Shihui AS2

Zhu Zecheng DP1-2

Zhang Tianyi AS7

Liang Chenyu AS4

Min Chenjia AS1

Lu Linjing DP1-1

Cao Yiran AS11

Guoge Zicheng AS11

Chen Jimai AP1

Hu Xiyu AS1

Hong Qianhan AS11

Guo Yingnuo AS3


Silver Award:

Wang Ruoxi AS2

Shi Lingwa DP1-1

Wu Keming AS11

He Daiheng AS1

Chen Yongting AS1

Hu Yuxuan AS8

Liu Fangke AS4

Xin Ran AS1

Liu Yiran DP1-3


Bronze Award:

You Sixuan AS7

Wang Yifan AS5

Yu Wenting PA6

Gong Tingyi AS6

Liu Bingqian 902


Intermediate Group:

Gold Award:

Sun Huaijin Pre-DP4

Nie Weichen Pre-DP4

Li Zichen Pre-DP2

Ouyang Yuchen AS8

Zhang Tianyi Pre-DP3

Zeng Yinqi Pre-DP1

Wan Tianyu Pre-DP1

Liu Junhong Pre-DP3


Silver Award:

Ding Sidan Pre-DP4

Zhu Cheng Pre-DP4

Li Yubo Pre-DP2

Xiao LeYang 904

Wu Ke 902


Congratulations again! Wish all the students will be willing to learn, actively explore, dare to climb and achieve good results in the future physics learning.